Our Two Cents

City of Hamilton Wants Feedback on Truck Routes

The City of Hamilton is seeking route-specific feedback as part of its comprehensive Truck Route Review. Hamilton City Council is looking for constructive and detailed stakeholder feedback to help them better understand the needs, issues, challenges and opportunities within the existing truck route network.

The plan defines which municipal roads trucks are required to operate on, unless they’re making a local delivery when they are required to take the shortest path to the destination from the network.

The most recent review of the truck route network was completed as part of the Truck Route Master Plan, which was approved by City Council in 2010. Issues with the 2010 truck route network, and new policy influences have emerged, that are leading to challenges with the truck route network, including:
- The environment and Hamilton’s climate emergency declaration
- Public health, social equity, and roadway safety (Vision Zero)
- Network connectivity and area-specific issues
- Growth in new employment areas (e.g. Airport Employment Growth District, Red Hill Business Park) and encroachment on rural area
- Emerging truck technologies and policies.

The current Truck Route Master Plan review and refinement will be based on alignment with:
- The City’s strategic plan vision, objectives and desired outcomes
- Health and well-being of the community
- Feedback, needs and lived experiences of stakeholders and the public
- Emerging technologies and goods movement policies

The current study will recognize and minimize the impact of truck traffic over the interests of the greater community while supporting Hamilton’s economic prosperity through developing an efficient and reliable network for goods movement. The study will develop, evaluate and recommend alternative truck route networks, as well as supporting policies and tools that the city can consider to mitigate current challenges and help manage potential challenges in the future.

Council is looking for input, thoughts and suggestions on ways to improve the network, through a survey and an accompanying map that users can identify all of the routes that are important to you, or where you see need for improvement.

The survey may take more than 10 minutes to complete. Registered participants can save the survey and return to complete as time permits. Take the survey here.


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